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Let's honor the past, cherish the present, and embrace the future of China on National Day~~hi,你喜欢这样的短句吗?栏目小编特别整理来自网络的祝福的英语短句子精选,或许你能从中找到需要的内容。


1、Congratulating our beloved country on this National Day! 祝贺我们心爱的国家国庆节快乐!

2、Let's cherish the freedom to express ourselves and share our ideas on this National Day! 让我们在这个国庆节上珍惜表达自己和分享我们想法的自由!

3、Happy National Day to the nation that never forgets the importance of education, progress, and development! 祝那个永远不会忘记教育、进步和发展的重要性的国家国庆快乐!

4、May our country always remain a beacon of hope and inspiration for all who believe in freedom and democracy. Happy National Day!

5、Let's pay tribute to the diversity, complexity, and beauty of the Chinese people on National Day.

6、Cheers to the greatness, beauty, and wisdom of China on National Day!

7、Let's cherish the freedoms and rights that our country provides on this National Day. 让我们在国庆节上珍惜我们国家提供的自由和权利。

8、Wishing you a peaceful and enjoyable National Day celebration!

9、Here's to a memorable and joyous National Day celebration!

10、Happy National Day! Let's cherish our country's religious and spiritual diversity.

11、Happy National Day, let's celebrate the joy and unity of being part of the Chinese family.

12、Let's cherish and support the families, communities, and institutions of China on National Day and beyond.

13、Let's embrace the power of innovation, entrepreneurship, and creativity in China on National Day.

14、Wishing you a day full of joy and happiness on this National Day. 祝您在国庆节享受快乐和幸福。

15、Cheers to China's progress in science, technology, and innovation. Happy National Day!

16、Wishing you a fantastic National Day celebration filled with culture, traditions, and fun.

17、国庆礼献祖国,人民幸福品质生活!National Day gift to the motherland, quality life for the people!

18、Let us uphold the ideals and values of our nation on National Day!

19、Happy National Day to the nation that never fails to make us proud with its brilliant achievements! 祝那个通过其杰出成就而总是能够让我们感到自豪的国家国庆快乐!

20、May our country continue to shine and inspire the world on this National Day and always. 愿我们的国家在国庆节和以后继续发光并激励全世界。

21、Happy National Day! Best wishes to our great motherland!

22、May peace, happiness, and prosperity find their way to every Chinese citizen. Happy National Day!

23、I wish all the citizens of China a happy, healthy, and prosperous National Day.

24、Let's raise our flag high and celebrate the 72nd National Day of China!


25、May the spirit of National Day keep us united and strong in the face of all challenges.

26、Let's all come together to celebrate our country's progress and success this National Day.

27、Wishing you a happy and successful National Day!

28、Let us take a moment to appreciate our country's rich culture and history on this National Day, and honor the brave men and women who fought for its independence. 在这个国庆节上,让我们停下脚步,欣赏我们国家丰富的文化和历史,并纪念为其独立而战的勇敢男女。

29、Happy National Day to the land of hope, the land of opportunity, and the land of unity!

30、Let us come together as a nation and celebrate the pride and love we have for our country on this National Day. 在这个国庆节上,让我们作为一个民族团结在一起,庆祝我们对我们国家的自豪和热爱。

31、Let's celebrate the everyday heroes who make our country great on this National Day. 让我们在国庆节上庆祝那些平凡造就伟大的英雄们。

32、Wishing you a wonderful and fulfilling National Day celebration!

33、Wishing all the citizens of China a happy and memorable National Day full of love and happiness.


35、Wishing you a happy and fulfilling National Day with your loved ones!

36、On the National Day of China, let's all stand tall and salute our flag.

37、希望中国的未来更加美好!Hope for an even brighter future for China!

38、May our nation's spirit of perseverance and resilience continue to shine on this National Day. 愿我们国家在国庆节上继续展现出坚韧不拔和顽强的民族精神。

39、Happy National Day, my dear country! I love you!

40、Let's come together to celebrate our country's greatness and to work towards an even brighter future for all.

41、May the spirit of National Day fill us with a sense of purpose and a commitment to our nation's growth and success.

42、Wishing you a happy and successful National Day filled with blessings!

43、Let's renew our commitment to China's vision, mission, and values on this National Day.

44、Happy National Day, China! You are a leader in globalization, digitalization, and innovation.

45、Celebrating the pride and dignity of being Chinese on this joyous National Day.

46、Let's appreciate the unique and diverse cultures of our country's different regions and people on this National Day! 让我们在这个国庆节上欣赏我们国家不同地区和人民的独特和多样性文化!

47、Let's honor the past, cherish the present, and embrace the future of China on National Day.