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“Good night, dear。——亲爱的,晚安。”编写晚安心语有可参考的句子吗?黑沉沉的夜,仿佛无边的浓墨包围着我们,我们在晚上写下的晚安心语总是偏于感性。继续探索以了解更多关于“晚安朋友圈说说英文句子简短”的细节,请将这些句子记录下来以便以后阅读!

1、Good night, dear。——亲爱的,晚安。

2、The real meaning of good night is that I love you and love you, but who knows the subtle love of the man who says good night to you every day。——晚安的真正意思是我爱你爱你 可是谁又知晓每天给你说晚安的那个人含蓄的爱。


4、Please come to Long Island iced tea for my good night's sleep well——拜托拿来长岛冰茶换我半晚安睡好么


6、I stubbornly insisted on saying goodnight to you every day——我曾固执地坚持每天跟你说晚安

7、The love of others is always better than their own.

8、If someone says good night to me every night, even if I do not love him, I will love him hard——如果有人每天晚上都对我说晚安,就算我不爱他,我也会努力的爱上他

9、Every day my boyfriend will tell me: to sleep, I love you。 Blue Yan said good night。 Girlfriends will say: Sabi Xi, go to bed, very late!——每天男友都会跟我说:去睡觉吧,我爱你。 蓝颜会说:晚安。 闺蜜会说:撒比曦,滚去睡觉,很迟了!


11、The days with you are romantic even if they are ordinary! good night!

12、I hope someone there will say good morning and good night to me every day——我希望有那么一个人每天会对我说早安,晚安

13、You say "good night," let me fall asleep peacefully。——你说的一声“晚安”,让我安然入睡。

14、Remember that you dont live for others, you live for yourself. good night!

15、Wake up every day the first time you think of is the last good night before you go to sleep is you give up simple? Tell me where you love me——每天醒来第一时间想到的是你 睡前最后一个发晚安的是你 放弃简单吗 告诉我 心在你那里 你让我爱谁

16、If life is like a journey, we must go through it before it is complete. good night.

17、Good night is the biggest lie in the world——晚安是这个世界上最大的谎话(赵老师教案网 WWw.zjAn56.com)

18、Baby! Or good night!——宝贝们!还是晚安吧!