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“Do Humans Get Swine Flu?(人会得猪流感吗?)。”你是不是还在苦苦寻找优美的句子?美好的记忆是星团点缀人生的旅程,优美的句子是对艺术的赞美。总会让人觉得欢欣和恬静,"栏目小编为你找到了一款综合性能优秀的英语好词佳句摘抄推荐给你",让我们一同超越舒适区勇敢地面对挑战共同成长为更好的自己!


1、think now people would know, but then I thought: "Drug flashbacks, insanity, Go Ask Alice!"(现在人们知道了,但我那会儿想:“药物性闪回、精神错乱,去问爱丽丝!”)

2、Sag: a defensive tactic in which a player drops off his man to help double-team a player in the pivot.(协防(sag):一种防守战术。球员放弃自己防守的队员来帮助在中线的队友。)

3、Does such an administration operate within the political system, or supplant it?(这种管治是在既有政制中运作,抑或另起炉灶?)

4、He talks like he is a sissy.(他讲起话来好像是个女生。)

5、Public discontent is beginning to simmer.(公众的不满开始变得激烈起来。)

6、Use a laser pen to irradiate one fly's compound eye.(用激光笔照射一只苍蝇的复眼。)

7、need my privacy, " said Chen, who has starred in films including the Infernal Affairs series.(我也需要这一些私人生活,”这位电影《无间道》的主演表示。)

8、He became a Congressman at the young age of 29 and brought his frontier swagger to the Senate a year later.(他29岁成为议员并在一年后昂首阔步进入参议院。)

9、As his weight approached 300 pounds, Saxen happened across a book with a photo of his old, svelte body on the cover.(当他的体重达到300磅的时候,萨克森意外发现了书的封面上刊登了他的旧照-那苗条的身材。)

10、don't know if this is related to the current "saucy rooms" issue, but it may be.(我不知道是不是和有伤风化的聊天室事件有关,但很有可能。)

11、Add the kale to the simmering soup, and continue to simmer for another 15 to 20 minutes.(往炖汤里加入羽衣甘蓝薄长条,继续炖15~20分钟。)

12、had to scrimp and save to pay for my holiday.(我必须节省开支以支付度假的费用。)

13、And indeed when house prices sag consumers tend to lose confidence, which affects growth and jobs.(而实际情况也是,房价下跌,消费者就会失去信心,就业率和经济增也也会受到影响。)

14、Letters swill cost a little more, but they will certainly travel faster.(这样会稍微多花点钱,但肯定要快得多了。%。)

15、Retaining strong performers requires a good balance of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors.(要留住优秀员工,需要很好地平衡内在和外在的激励因素。)

16、The driver cannot but make a scram to avert two guys who rush the red light.(司机不得不紧急刹车以避免撞倒两个闯红灯的行人。)

17、Out of the water: Ursula goes from a sea-based witch into saucy sorceress.(出海啦:乌苏拉从海底女巫变成了俏皮的人间女巫。)

18、Just one more question, when select the letter I can't use 3d - extrude and bevel because it aint active.(只要再一个问题,当选择的信我不能使用3d-挤压和锥,因为它是不活跃。)

19、He makes the dust rise from the earth with his swagger; he adds his loud voice to every word that I utter.(他昂首阔步,使地上尘土飞扬;我说出的每一个字里,都掺杂着他的喊叫。)

20、He deciphers the background messages of Spaces, places and interiors to learn how environs help or hinder in the meeting process.(他解密的邮件空间的背景,地点和周围地区的内部,以了解如何帮助或阻碍了会议进程。)

21、Glyph of Enslave Demon - Reduces the cast time of your Enslave Demon spell by 50%.(奴役恶魔铭文-减少你的奴役恶魔法术的施法时间50%。)

22、One sunny afternoon, Maria took the children to the environs.(一个晴朗的下午,玛丽亚带孩子们来到郊外。)


23、Michael smiles and walks away but not before T-Bag takes notice of his interaction with a black inmate.(Michael笑了笑,走了开去。T-Bag注意到了他和黑人囚犯的勾勾搭搭。)

24、On October 7th a businessman in Osaka produced a surreptitious recording of his seven-hour “voluntary” questioning, in which the police threaten to hit him and destroy his life.(十月七日,大阪的一位商人就他的七小时“自愿”审讯做了一份秘密记录,在审讯中,警察威胁说要打他并毁了他的生活。)

25、When supine, he had severely reduced blood flow through his brain returning to his heart.(在仰卧的时候,由大脑流向心脏的血流会出现神经性减少。)

26、The technology to irradiate food has been around for the better part of a century.(在大半个世纪以来辐照食品的技术变得愈加突出。)

27、As for another full installment to the series, don't hold your breath.(对于这个系列的又一完整部分,千万别屏住呼吸。)

28、other colony showed such supine, selfish helplessness in allowing her own border citizens to be mercilessly harried.(没有其他殖民地表现出这种苟安的、自私的无动于衷,任其边境居民被残忍地侵掠。)

29、That's it for this installment; until next time, enjoy!(这就是本期的全部内容;在下一期发布前,请尽情欣赏!)

30、The supine pelvic tilt is a great exercise for "awakening" the pelvis, reducing pain in the lumbar spine.(仰卧盘骨倾斜运动对激发盘骨及减少腰椎疼痛有很好的作用。)

31、Johnsaid I was a sissy. But I wasn't. It was just my legs that wouldn't do what I wanted.(约翰说我是胆小鬼。我才不是呢。只是因为我的腿总是不听我使唤。)

32、Rudolph looked surreptitious ly at his watch.(鲁道夫偷偷地看了一下自己的表。)

33、If you God, then save your own, don't mentally enslave your own.(如果你是上帝,那么做自己的救世主,不要在精神上束缚自己。)

34、Down by the roadside the saucy dandelion mingled his gold with the royal purple of the wild violet.(路旁种著黄色的蒲公英,蒲公英中间,又夹著紫色的紫罗兰。)

35、He squares his shoulders and warns the nervous looking inmate in front of him to put on his jail face.(他厌恶地看着排在他前面的一个紧张不安的犯人,告诫他要装得强硬点。)

36、When it comes to opportunity we won't entrench the advantages of the fortunate few, we will do everything we can to help anybody, whatever your background, to go as far as your talents will take you.(在机会方面,我们不会巩固少数幸运儿的优势,而是不遗余力地帮助每一个人最大限度地发挥其才能,不论其背景如何。)

37、Light can not only endue with the soul and life for construction space, but also can ruin space design.(光环境设计既可以赋予建筑空间灵魂和生命,也可以成为空间的败笔与祸源。)

38、Books swill only be on computers, not on paper.(书将会只存在于电脑上,而不是在纸上。)

39、Do Humans Get Swine Flu?(人会得猪流感吗?)

40、Zombies shamble up the rows of the grid toward your house, and if they get past your defenses, well, you know.(僵尸们在网格的每一行向你的房子蹒跚而行,如果他们越过了你的防线,那么,你知道的。)

41、The inscription is deeply cut on the stone.(碑文已深深地刻在石头上。)

42、As I stood in front of it, two women came over to look, and helped me translate the Hindi inscription.(正当我站在它前面的时候,两位妇女也走过来看,并帮助我翻译上面的印地语。)

43、When conventional deburring and material finishing methods fail to produce the required results, industry turns to Extrude Hone.(当传统的毛刺和材料整理方法不能产生必要的成果,产业化的挤压珩磨。)

44、It adopts outer pipe co-extrude technology, improving the joint stress among layers.(采用的外管共挤技术,提高了管材的层间结合强度。)