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“Life is simple and plain. good night!”坚韧是辉煌的星光照亮前行的路让人们勇往直前,优美的句子充满着情感的热度温暖人心。读了之后可以让我们的脸上挂满笑容,你是否在寻找优美的句子呢?这里为您带来了一篇栏目小编为您整理的《英语晚安心语唯美句子》的文章,为了不忘记还请您将这页上的句子保存在收藏夹里!


1、Go your own way and be the best yourself. good night!

2、When you come, the rainstorm will stop and the wind will stay.(愿你来的时候,暴雨骤停,长风栖歇.)

3、Go to bed, or I'll miss you again later. good night.

4、When I say ^v^Forget it^v^, these two words contain a lot of disappointment.

5、做你想做的梦,去你想去的地方,成为你想成为的人吧,因为你只有一次生命,一个机会去做所有那些你想做的事Dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go, be who you want to be, because you only have one life, one chance to do all the things you want to do。

6、If you can endure, you will be outstanding; if you can't, you will be out. This is life. good night.

7、Dont be swayed by others. Good night.

8、Say good night, facing the starry sky, say thank you, curtain call today's struggle.

9、The living person has only a beating heart.

10、Good night, my friend. Have a good night.

11、Life has made me like a man、How can I be called to be a man again、good night.

12、Smile can be the past thing, why do it make people all know. good night.

13、The evening breeze sings Qingqu, arousing the sleepiness.

14、In the old year, forget all the painful things.

15、have the person love,i will trto do a lovelman.the sun ibright, the wind and rain,do hiown dream run,go hiown way. 有没有人爱,我也要努力做一个可爱的人。不埋怨谁,不嘲笑谁,也不羡慕谁,阳光下灿烂,风雨中奔跑,做自己的梦,走自己的路……

16、Mix ^v^Relaxation^v^ in the light and massage you on the bed.

17、I hope you miss me every three to five seconds.

18、The sky is grey, the rain is falling, and the vision is blurred.

19、in fact, that the world inot everyone'drea but some learn to forget, and some insist.事实上,这个世界不符合所有人的梦想,只是有人学会了遗忘,有人却一直坚持。


20、Don't cover your eyes for small things、We have a bigger world、good night!

21、dream most deep place, onlthen the smile inot tired. 梦的最深处,只有微笑不累。

22、Your efforts today are the foreshadowing of luck. The present pay is tomorrows bloom. good night.

23、Life is simple and plain. good night!

24、I didn't miss you, just stay up late and miss you by the way. Good night!

25、I wish you a sound sleep, like a pig; friends remember, good night!

26、no matter how your heart igrieving, if you keep on believing, the dreamthat you wish will come true. 不管心有多痛,若坚信不移,梦想总会成真。

27、May you have a good dream and sleep till dawn.

28、If you decide to travel, don't be afraid to travel both ways、good night!

29、Listening to you say good night every night before going to bed is the simplest and lasting happiness that belongs to me.

30、In this happy night, a good night takes you into a beautiful dream.

31、Good evening to relax, take a warm bath; family warm smile, sleep a big lazy.

32、Happy mood calms the mind liquid, the worry eliminates.

33、After drinking the wine of love you brew, I would like to be intoxicated rather than wake up.

34、Go to sleep. Your hair is afraid of your imagination.

35、face the past with the least regrets, face the present with the least waste and face the future with the most dreams.不后悔过往,不浪费现在,满怀梦想,面对未来。

36、Friends, if someone can say good night to you every day, please cherish it!

37、Wry smile, that is my only strong.

38、Youre right, but I wont listen.


39、through the years,i onlwant to ask whether i also in your dream ,and tell you that you are the onllove in mlife.多年以后,只想对你问一声,我是否依然还在你梦中出现;多年以后,只想对你说一声,你是我今生唯一的情。

40、A good night, gentle greetings, soft care, the most beautiful blessing to accompany you to sleep!

41、Good night softly, wish you a happy dream!

42、I have only two wishes: you are by your side, by your side. good night!

43、I love this world, but this world is not as good as you. good night!

44、Forget all the troubles of today, listen to a song and have a good sleep. good night!

45、Think a thousand times, it is better to do once, gorgeous fall, better than meaningless wandering. good night.

46、I know、It's just that you love in different ways.

47、It's a good time to be with you when you are young.

48、I just want to know if there is a second when you love me.

49、Life has never been easy, it's just that we've become stronger、good night.

50、Baby, we see ducks in our dreams.

51、In this quiet night, send my warm wishes, good night, friends.

52、I can't sleep. Call me anytime. I'm always there.

53、Your smile, it used to be my sleeping medicine.

54、Its late at night, relax and go to sleep. Blessing is like Im with you, gently wish you!

55、Love yourself, rely on yourself, be yourself. good night!

56、Do not expect unexpected surprise, just hope that all the efforts in the past will not be in vain. good night.