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Jim gave me an English dictionary.有些句子可以让人泪如雨下,有些句子则能让人倍感温馨。,在随处可见的数字化信息的时代,会浏览到一些风格迥异,令人难忘的句子。你能说出多少关于句子的知识?优美句子网费尽心力为您搜集整理出这份高中英语作文万能句子,由衷地感谢您对我们的支持和喜爱这是我们前进的动力!

1、It does us a lot of good.

2、This is _ what __ I want to tell you.

3、People's opinions about ______ vary from person to person. Some people say that ______.To them,_____.

4、Jim gave me an English dictionary.

5、However,that’s not the case.

6、I will work hard so that I can make them live a happy life.

7、The best way to improve the quality of life is strategic innovation.

8、We should try our best to overcome(conquer)thedifficulties.

9、Soon after that.

10、They are good at boating.

11、There is a striking contrast between them.


13、the consequnce will be……

14、Could you introduce me to her

15、We should solve the problems that we areconfronted(faced)with.

16、Let’s take good care of our environment.

17、— Who is John Smith— He is the speakerwe heard last week.

18、The reason for this is that...

19、I find it difficult to speak good English.

20、It is harmfulto us.

21、It is beneficial to us.

22、It's two o'clock. 现在两点。

23、Thank you for your invitation. But I’ll have an English exam tomorrow. So I am very sorry that I can’t go to your home.

24、I will study harder and be a person like him.


26、Word has come ___that __ some guests from Canada will visit our school.

27、His school is far from his home.

28、The output of July in this factory increased by 15% comparedwith that of January.