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“2因“完全同形同音异义词”(Perfect homonyms引起的`歧义。”经常在朋友圈刷各种经典短句。通过每一句话的品味我们可以逐渐掌握思维的技巧,你是否需要一些有个性的句子呢?优美句子网的编辑整理了英语作文短句子的多个权威渠道的信息以提供客观报道,希望这些句子能够帮助你们更好地理解这个问题!

1、Experienced teachers realize that there are often exceptionally students who are never given a chance to show their special abilities.

2、The successful manager is of the opinion that to gain as much as possible form your subordinates(下属)you should treat them as your equals.

3、I am writing in response to your advertisement in…of April 6.

4、It is believed that… 被认为......


6、There was a slump in production between 1980 and 1985.

7、*** offers extensive opportunities for every country in the world.

8、I am writing to apologize for ? /I am writing to say sorry for我写这封信是因??向你致歉。

9、Futurism, an early twentieth-century movement in art, rejected all traditions and attempted to glorify contemporary life by emphasizing the machine and motion. 未来主义,二十世纪早期的一个艺术思潮。拒绝一切传统,试图通过强调机械和动态来美化生活。

10、To travel abroad is a desire shared by many people, but few can afford to do it.

11、2因“完全同形同音异义词”(Perfect homonyms引起的`歧义

12、Computer use is forecast to shoot up in Africa during the coming decade.

13、Many people have the bad habit of spending money on impulse.

14、I am indeed very sorry for what I said/did, but believe I had noIntention to?

15、By consistent hard work we have achieved the major economic objectives (目标) of the ninth five-year plan.


17、阅读理解:阅读量大,分值高。“得阅读者得天下”.平时要多做阅读,多做限定时间的阅读。做题时先粗看全文,理出文章的“坨”(大体意思),再看问题,根据问题的特点,再带着问题在文章中找出细节的支持点来5. 七选五:此道题是一个新点。建议大家多找一些练习。注意七个选项中的有信息意义的实词,利用上下文重复的原理来做出推理判断。此外,值得注意的是:逻辑关联词和代词的代指关系在解题时尤为重要!

18、at all events 无论如何,不管怎样

19、although many people tend to live under the illusion that traditional technology and methods are still playing extremely important role in peoples life, an increasingevidences show that it is less useful than many people think.

20、…, as is……,the case with many issues, has both merits and demerits.是许多问题的情况下,既有优点和缺点。

21、The graph shows that the incidence of violent crime has in fact dropped in most US cities over the past decade.


23、The flowers his friend gave him will die unless watered every day 除非每天浇水,他朋友给他的花会死

24、Take, for example, the emergency situations that we encountered almost every night.

25、The number of people who could not read hit its lowest point in 2003.

26、Efforts to bring together people of different races and cultures have not met with (获得) complete success.

27、She had a little trouble with her typing.

28、For large numbers of people, the absence of work is harmful to their health.

29、Corruption(腐败) in government is not tolerated in any country that wants to achieves rapid economic growth and improve the life of its citizens.

30、The population is leveling off (处于平衡状态) in the area as a result of family planning.

31、Although he had the opportunity to hunt and fish with great Indian outdoorsmen, he was denied opportunity in other ways

32、Congratulations to you on being awarded the prize/getting the scholarship.

33、The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include…

34、History shows that the United States as a nation owes a great dela to the Afro-Americans(美国黑人)


36、Some teachers claim that recreation(娱乐)is necessary for children to be able to learn in school but others do not feel that leisure activity is all that important.

37、as soon as possible. 尽快。

38、As described/portrayed/illustrated/shown in the picture, many people nowadays like to go to fitness centers to keep their bodies in shape.

39、This is a matter of life and de

40、I feel awfully sorry about it and want you to know what happened.为此我感到非常内疚,所以想告诉你实情。


42、No one can doubt that the reform and opening policies introduced in 1979 have had a profound impact on the lives of Chinese citizens. Changes resulting therefrom have not only impacted the economic system, but the social system as well.

43、I am writing this letter to recommend myself as a qualified candidate for the job of…

44、I am very much interested in going abroad to obtain an advanced degree in the field of…

45、Many people find it harder and harder to keep up with the radical changes that characterize our time.

46、Earlier scientists thought that during a man’s lifetime the power of his brain decreased.

47、I am applying for the position of secretary advertised in……

48、Let‘s take a closer look at the two pictures. The one on the left shows the state of the housing before the government implemented its urban renewal project, whereas the one on the right illustrates the situation afterwards.

49、off duty 下了班(的),不在值班(的)

50、It seems almost certain that China will achieve this year's economic growth targets.

51、Goals determine what you are going to be。目标决定你将成为为什么样的人。

52、Reaching this year's growth targets is almost a certainty.