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1、There was no cloud at noon. There was a scorching sun and no wind overhead. All the trees stood there listlessly and lazily.

2、Summer, everywhere, look! The peach tree in front of my house has already produced rich and full peaches. Those peaches made people drool at the sight. They were also tinged with pink on the sharp corner. They looked like a shy little girl, blushing with shame. They were very beautiful.




6、I love summer because I can go to the beach to play during the summer vacation. I went to the seaside to pick up shells. The colorful shells became colorful in the sunshine, which overwhelmed me. I played with sand on the beach and piled sand into hills and castles. I also planted a small five-star red flag on the castle! I can stand on the seashore and listen to the sound of the waves. Waves of sea breeze make me feel relaxed and happy.



9、After the rain, a rainbow appears in the blue sky. There are seven colors, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, which overlap layer by layer and reflect each other. It is like a golden bridge, lying across the sky. It is magnificent and dazzling.

10、The whole city is like a thoroughly burnt brick kiln, which makes people gasp for breath. The dog lay on the ground with its bright red tongue, and the nostrils of the mule and horse were very wide.

11、In early summer, pomegranate flowers gradually open, green leaves lining red flowers, very beautiful. Looking from afar, it looks like a burning fire, and like the red sunset rising at dusk.



14、After the charming spring, we have ushered in the vigorous summer, which is so colorful and brilliant. This summer is very beautiful. It inherits the vitality of spring, contains the maturity of autumn, and shows the spirit of summer.




18、The clear sky in summer is brilliant, the sky is so blue, the sun is so strong, and the sky and the earth are in a dazzling light. In a year, the sun is the most industrious in the summer. He gets up early in the morning. At six oclock in the morning, the morning light is shining. At six or seven oclock in the evening, the moon will crowd it out. But the industrious sun still lingers and does not "get off work" for a long time.

19、It has no gorgeous costumes, only the verdant. It has abandoned its illusions, but it is not old. The calm mind of the hot and dry cicadas and the free and easy mind of the lightning and rainstorm constitute the unique character of summer. You see, she is always solid and bold, playing a heavy and outstanding leading role in nature.


21、The sun was burning in the sky, and on both sides of the road, the mature grains were bending down and lowering their heads in the heat. Grasshoppers are as numerous as leaves of grass. In the wheat and rye fields, in the reeds on the bank, they make a faint and noisy sound.


22、The night in summer is always full of charming colors, a little deep but romantic. Under the reflection of the sunset glow, the clouds in the sky are colorful and bright with their own beauty. The full moon hung like a silver mirror and poured the water like brightness. In the chirping of frogs and insects, the stars blinked mischievously and enjoyed the whirling shadow of trees. At this time, the cool wind gently diffuses the troubles and worries in the day.

23、however, spring summer autumn and winter, they are always in a white coat.不论,春夏秋冬,他们,总穿着白大褂。


25、In early summer, all kinds of wild flowers bloom, red, purple, pink and yellow, like bright spots embroidered on a large green carpet; Swarms of bees are busy in the flowers, sucking on the stamens and diligently flying around.


27、in summer,i may learn greek when i old,and we will go for a walk forget the time goes by.


29、At more than six oclock, it was dark. I saw the dark clouds in the northwest covering half of the sky. A cool wind blew, and the leaves on the trees shook. Then there was silence. After a short pause, there was a sudden gust of wind. Branches were like wild whip, whistling and beating in the air. The withered branches and withered leaves whirled and danced with the wind, and fell down one after another.

30、The Buffalo has long been hiding in the pond, and its whole body is buried in the water. Only one head is exposed to breathe on the water.

31、图片搜索更多夏天唯美英文句子 夏日日常生活英文句子»

32、In summer, I have the impression that there are bright dew drops in the morning and many stars at night.

33、Slowly, she walked into the school. The innocent children happily embraced her in the summer and greeted her with laughter like larks. In the school, small umbrellas with Mickey Mouse on them were put up one after another; A pair of Petite feet flapping the water, how comfortable! Some creative children hold their umbrellas high and spin them quickly. The rain that hit the cement splashed out one after another, splashing the pools of lovely laughter.

34、After class, in the hot and dry air, the school is full of books and a strong smell of books everywhere. After class, not many people will sit quietly in the classroom. The playground is full of people running games. The cheering and playing sound condenses into one, and the students are sweating.

35、Summer is a burning season. In the hot sun of the nuclear fusion fireball, the dog sticks out its tongue, the cicada chirps impatiently, the asphalt road is soft, and the fish surface to breathe.

36、The most beautiful and cool time in summer is at night. Every summer, I look forward to the night, because the day is too hot to describe. However, the summer has the longest day. It takes a long time to look forward to the night.

37、Roses have been blooming all summer.


39、Summer is still a perfect season. When children play outside and go home, they are sweating. Its really cool to eat an ice cream or an ice watermelon! The night came quietly. How perfect it was to lie quietly on the grass, count the stars, watch the moon, and listen to my mother tell the story of Change running to the moon!


41、Everything is at a standstill. Once in a while, the deer roared and the tiger roared, and the world there temporarily stopped its progress. It broke the deep silence, and the long ending lingered, containing the fear of death and the hardships of life.

42、The hottest time in summer is also our holiday. During the day, even if we wear beautiful skirts, we dare not go outdoors to compete with the sun. You can only go out in the morning before the sun comes out and in the evening after the sun sets. Summer, in my mind, is the bright dew in the morning and the stars at night. I love summer nights.




45、Summer is green and hot. Colorful spring, golden autumn and snowy winter. Summer, a link between the past and the future, is pregnant and mature. It has a single color and belongs to green. I know that summer will go and meet with Jinqiu. Fortunately, the universe will come again next year. The shorter life is, the more infinite the universe is. Quietly, quietly, waiting for the next summer, quietly, quietly, waiting for the green vitality.

46、Summer is a flexible young man. He came to replace Miss Chun. Miss Chun said goodbye to us quietly with light steps. People were reluctant to part with her. They saw off Miss Chun and welcomed Xia Xiaoxiao.

47、The summer heat, which people can not avoid, is really a headache, whether you walk on the road under the scorching sun or have entered the shadow of trees and houses; Whether in the morning or in the evening, the heat of that summer day is always with you and around you. Its really annoying.

48、When the night became dark, people went home. At this time, the vast fields have already entered the dream. The emerald seedlings, the rugged ridges, and the little flowers emitting pleasant fragrance have also closed their sleepy eyes in this warm summer night. Under the gentle wind, they are dreaming sweet dreams with the happy accompaniment of frogs.

49、In summer, the leaf brothers gradually turn dark green, and I gradually become tall and straight. The girl nodded and smiled at me. Xiao Cao shook his head and greeted me. Look at my feet. People are enjoying the cool at my feet, and children are playing around me. At this time, there was laughter all around.

50、Climbing up the rugged hillside, you can see the green grass all over the mountain. It seems that there is no gold on the grass there, only a piece of emerald green. In summer, it is green!

51、The willows in the street seemed to be sick. The leaves were hanging with dust on the branches, and the branches did not move. The street was white, and the small vendors did not dare to shout. The plexiglass signboard at the door of the store seemed to have been suntanned.

52、stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. and yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign.夏天的飞鸟,飞到我的窗前唱歌,又飞去了。秋天的黄叶,它们没有什么可唱,只叹息一声,飞落在那里。

53、Lying on the mat, I feel like an iron beef fillet.

54、All endings are beginnings, we just don't know it at the Albom.

55、The cherry tree was planted in the garden. Every spring, it is full of beautiful flowers. Every summer, the whole tree is full of fruit. The taste is different from the local cherry. It is very sweet, like a honeycomb filled with honey.

56、Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away.夏天的飞鸟,飞到我的窗前唱歌,又飞去了。


58、The sun is scorching, the sun is scorching, the lotus is in full bloom, and the wind is blowing. It was another hot summer. Sitting alone in the room, I felt like being stuffy in a big steamer - it was very hot. So I rolled up my sleeves and went for a walk in the woods not far away to get rid of the heat and enjoy the amorous feelings of nature.

59、When you walk into the green and overcast bamboo path in the hot summer afternoon, you will immediately feel a refreshing pleasure. The world of mortals is gone, and you are tired without a trace. Your heart is a cool world.


61、Summer is coming. Who told you? Oh, it turned out to be big round green watermelons. The watermelon is also inlaid with dark green patterns, which looks like a globe reflecting each other from a distance. Take a bite, its sweet, let peoples mouth flow to the skirt all at once.

62、In summer, the campus is filled with the fragrance of flowers, plants and trees. Cicadas keep shouting: xxxits so hot and hotxxx. On the playground, a big green umbrella is eliminating the summer heat for us. So that we can continue to play happily. At this time, it symbolizes the success of our studies.