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“No tears, no thoughts, quiet.”夜晚是我们一个人享受精神世界的时候,在夜晚,我们很容易通过晚安心语跟人家分享我们的感情。送去晚安祝福也是治愈自己和别人的方法,什么晚安心语来表达你夜晚的情绪?优美句子网编辑经过整合为大家整理了晚安说说英文句子简短的热门话题和相关讨论,坚持自己的原则和信念不受他人的影响!

1、What I want to find is in you.

2、I hate your new love will learn my way to you good morning good night Good night you will tell me that this is normal——我很讨厌你的新欢会学着我的样子给你早安午安晚安最后你会对我说这很正常

3、Nothing to drink a cup of milk, warm heart and stomach, good sleep.

4、不知道你在做什么,这样的深夜,也许只有我这么痛苦地想你,一遍又一遍。但不想打扰你,希望你睡得安稳,像一头无忧无虑的小猪。亲爱的,晚安! 夜风稍着我的问候,给你带来温暖,送进你的手机:晚上好!

5、The love I give you is already broken.

6、The haze is free and the stone is wild.

7、A wise man always puts his mouth in his heart, but a fool puts his heart in his mouth.

8、Youre crying. Hes smiling. How delicate.

9、你可以做任何别人能做的事,这只是说明你很聪明。你做了别人做不到的事。这是你的独特和潜力。值得,但不值得骄傲,因为你没有任何值得炫耀的成就。但往往取得辉煌成果的人是谦虚谨慎的。我们有骄傲的资本吗?晚安! 有一颗大心,才盛得下喜怒,输得出力量。晚安!

10、t everybody could sail the ocean, but still we could share this dream不是每个人都能成为销魂的船长,但都可以让梦想远航。

11、Sleep comfortably, wake up in the morning and smile. Life is emotional all day long. All troubles are forgotten!

12、No tears, no thoughts, quiet.

13、I love you I love you but it has expired, because I will not say good night again——我爱你我爱你却已经过期了,因为我再也不说 晚安

14、I have loved you for many years.

15、I love him so much, but he treats me like this.


17、Life wish to go to Wushan, death wish to go to huangquan.

18、Silent silence, melting the past persistent.

19、You saw a movie, I saw you. good night!

20、You're in here because of me. 你在这里,是因为有我。《暮光之城》

21、The most false is love, the coldest is heart.

22、dream的基本意思是“梦”,指人在睡眠时在大脑中形成一种幻觉。dream还可指“梦想,理想”,指在人的头脑中形成的某种愿望; 用于口语中还可指梦一般美好的人或物,即“好极了,太美了”。引申可指“幻想”。

23、You have a heartbeat and nothing can replace you. good night!

24、The grass is green, the dew is heavy, and the safety and happiness are more relaxed.

25、The sun father-in-law has already finished work, the moon mother-in-law comes to side.


27、You are good everywhere, but you are not destined to grow old.

28、如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。ernity is not a distance but a decision.

29、What is said is past, the phosphorescence of skeletons.

30、Night breeze slightly my greetings, bring you warmth, send to your mobile phone: Good evening!


32、I wish you a happy dream, good night and a good dream of dawn!

33、A day’s work shed your sweat, for you are happy tired, let cool breeze with happy you blow, to dream of tonight with you intoxicated! Good night!

34、Want to cry, the tear drops into the heart, because love you wronged. Sleepy, people in a trance floating dream, because we always sweet dreams!

35、Ive helped you to see the horoscope of this week. How do you want me to express it. good night.