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1、Do you want to be a happy person? I hope you can learn to bear hardships first -- Turgenev


3、Not finding the road is not without the road, the road is at the foot.

4、Now some young people lament that they were born at an untimely time and failed to show their talents in a time of chaos. However, I would like to say: "I am the lucky man of the times, because I am lucky to be born in the time of reform".

5、Don't say "I won't" or "impossible" because you haven't done it yet!

6、Common cause and common struggle can make people have the strength to endure everything—— Nikolai Ostrovsky




10、In Zhu Ziqing's "Hurry", there is a passage like this: "When the swallows are gone, they will come again; when the willows are withered, they will be green again. Why, the days are gone forever?" Yeah! I have a deep understanding.

11、Some people say, "The new starting point is to bid farewell to the past and embrace the future." Some people say: "The new starting point is to put down the failure and get up." But I would like to say: "The new starting point is to summarize what happened in the past and plan the tasks to be completed in the future."

12、Most things in the world are done by people who feel uncomfortable

13、Speak filial piety, read classics, cultivate good people, pass on knowledge, teach skills, and build capable people.

14、Youth is our bargaining chip, not the capital for us to squander.


16、A single thread does not make a thread, and a single tree does not make a forest—— common saying


18、Students who don't want to be bosses are not good students.


20、The most important thing in the world is to show respect to your parents.



23、Poverty is not enough for shame, but shame is poverty without ambition-- Lv Kun


24、It is wise to understand responsibility, mission and gratitude.


26、If you don't study hard today, try to find a job tomorrow.

27、Success=hard work+correct method+less empty talk -- Einstein

28、He who is afraid of suffering suffers all his life, and he who is not afraid of suffering suffers for a while.


30、When you stop trying, you fail

31、Don't just eat milk, but learn to eat dry food, especially simple food.

32、知道别人的脸色和自己的血色,知道别人的语调和自己的格调的人。 即使艰难,也得有些骨气,否则,这一次被人抬起,下一次瘫倒之后,就可能连同情的目光也得不到。今天的呻吟哀号,得到别人的抚慰,明天再呻吟哀号,就可能让人鄙夷和厌烦了。能够感动人的,永远是那些能够全力抵抗挫折,一次次倒下又一次次奋力站起来的人。

33、I don't come to Longfei for happiness, but I come to Longfei for happiness!



36、Silence, face the dead silence; Open your heart and let it embrace all things in the world; Close your eyes and enjoy the peace of this moment; Open your lips and devour the clear water. Beautiful wind, please calm down and listen to the natural charm. Let it bring you a good mood. In this way, when you take off again, you will find that the original world is so beautiful. What is the reason why I waste those time? Why not slow down and lighten up so that I can enjoy the beautiful world.

37、Learning is labor and labor full of ideas—— Ushenski

38、Life is not a pleasure, but a very heavy job-- Leo Tolstoy

39、Success is a verb, not a noun!

40、The joy of life is that everyone says you can't do it, but you've done it!

41、Today I am proud of the school, tomorrow the school is proud of me.

42、Diligence is the code of your life, which can translate your magnificent epic.


44、If you want to love your own value, you must create value for the world-- Goethe

45、Employment depends on ability and high salary depends on skill.



47、Life is not about surpassing others, but about surpassing ourselves

48、If anyone separates from the collective, his fate will be sad—— Nikolai Ostrovsky

49、The impossible is thought out, the possible is done.

50、Those who only dream but do not act will never experience the joy of harvest.

51、Don't worry about the vague future, but work hard for the clear present

52、Although the road is far away, it will come. Although things are difficult to do, they will succeed!

53、The ideal of life is for the ideal life-- Zhang Wentian


55、Unity is strength—— proverb

56、To find a way out into the school gate, to create a life towards society.

57、There is only one kind of heroism in the world, that is, people who understand and love life—— Roman Roland

58、A man is like a brick in the wall of the auditorium, and nobody can move him; But if you leave it on the road, you will be kicked away if you block people's walking—— Aisiqi



61、Child: Please look up at yourself, you are the best!

62、Destiny is invented by those cowardly and resigned people!

63、Intelligence comes from diligence, genius comes from accumulation -- Hua Luogeng


65、A person's brain is the same as his body. If he uses it more, he will be more flexible. If he doesn't use it, he will be useless. - Mao Yisheng

66、The shortening of life is proportional to the waste of ideas—— Darwin

67、What is really valuable is a sweet smile that costs nothing.

68、Pay equal attention to knowledge and skills, and put morality and behavior first.