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“A light heart lives long。无忧者长寿。”你知道有哪些经典的名人格言呢?名人格言可以鼓舞我们迈出踏实的一步,名人格言是人生智慧的结晶能够引导我们走向人生的巅峰。经过搜索的结果优美句子网编辑整理了一些与健康的名言警句英语相关的信息,我衷心希望这些句子能够为你们提供一些实用的指导!


1、The growth of youth is more lush trees, the blooming life more beautiful flowers, the happier the more health worries you, kindly and quickly give you the information that I, and in World Health Day on this day, I wish a happy mood, such wishful thing!青春越成长越葱郁的是树,生命越绽放越艳丽是花,无忧越快乐越健康的是你,好心赶紧给你发信息的是我,在世界保健日的这一天,祝心情快乐,诸事如意!

2、You may delay, but time will not.岁月不饶人。

3、Old birds are not caught with new nests. 新巢捉不到老鸟。

4、You can't eat your cake and have it. 不能既要吃饼,又要把饼保存。


6、Bttr war out shos than shts.

7、If a person has good health, psychological and cultural, it is worth very proud thing。 And cultural health of the body of thought, for my growth path paved a sunny boulevard, happy life for my future lay a good foundation。一个人如果拥有了健康的体魄、心理和文化,是值得非常自豪的事情。身体的思想的和文化的健康,为我的成长道路铺就了一条阳光灿烂的大道,为我今后幸福的人生打下了良好的基础。

8、An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure。预防胜于治疗。

9、A light heart lives long .(William Shakespeare , British dramatist) 豁达者长寿

10、Diseases of the sou I are more dangerous than those of the body.身体有恙好治,心病难医。


12、No man is content. 人心是不满足的。

13、A light heart lives long。无忧者长寿。

14、Life is but thirty thousand days, success or failure are calm, non-scores Mo care, health and happiness most valuable。人生不过三万天,成功失败均坦然,是非恩怨莫在意,健康快乐最值钱。

15、It is not es old. He cures more than doctors.


17、An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure。预防为主,治疗为辅。


18、Diseases come on horseback, but steal away on foot。病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。

19、Treat yourself, extremely happy; treat others, how happy; friendly life, extremely healthy!善待自己,幸福无比;善待别人,快乐无比;善待生命,健康无比!

20、All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy。只工作, 不玩耍, 聪明小伙也变儍。

21、Virtue is fairer far than beauty. 美德远比美丽更美好。

22、An apple a day keeps the doctor away。每日一个苹果胜过灵丹妙药。

23、Quality is better than quantity. 质重于量。


25、He who has good health is young, and he is rich who owes nothing.


27、You can't make omelets (or omeletts) without breaking eggs. 有失才有得。


29、Hygiene is te on horseback, but steal a the door.


31、Use a book as a bee does flowers. 读书如蜜蜂采花,吸取其中之精华。

32、Better wear out shoes than sheets.


34、I have been working out every day。我每天都去健身。



36、A little labor, much health。适量的劳动有益于健康。。


38、The love of beauty is an essential part of a I I healthy human nature。爱美是健康天性的一部分。

39、Young Mok fight with the body of wealth, old money exchange with health, is only sad, healthy like years, once lost, can not cross。 World Health Day, wish you health care, I wish you a happy life!年轻莫用身体拼财富,老来用金钱换健康,已是徒伤悲,健康好比岁月,一旦流失,无法穿越。世界保健日,愿你关爱健康,祝你生活幸福美满!

40、Leave off with an appetite.

41、Money can not buy health, health more than money; money can not buy happiness, happiness must be healthy; happy life is not fame and fortune in the health, the body is not strong money in sports!金钱难买健康,健康大于金钱;金钱难买幸福,幸福必有健康;生命的幸福不在名利在健康,身体的强壮不在金钱在运动!



44、Health is not valued till sickness comes。有病方知无病乐。

45、Healthy people do not cherish, because they do not understand health is precious; do not cherish the health of people, because they do not have to lose a healthy; healthy people do not cherish, because they have not paid much attention to health!不珍惜健康的人,是因为他们不明白健康的可贵;不珍惜健康的人,是因为他们不曾经失去过健康;不珍惜健康的人,是因为他们未曾重视过健康!

46、The health of the most important, a good grasp of the law of life, much more than walk to trot, active housework, idle chat in a good mood, sad music does not wail Tiao。 World Health Day, health happier。身体健康最重要,生活规律把握好,多走路来多小跑,积极主动家务做,空闲聊天心情好,哀不号哭乐不佻。世界保健日,健康更快乐。

47、Dream the most beautiful, the sweetest love, lucky most eager, happy most desirable, the most important health and life of the most lovely。 World Health Day, wish you health and happiness left hold the right owner, love and luck to accompany your life! 梦想最美丽,爱情最甜蜜,幸运最渴望,幸福最向往,健康最重要,生活最可爱。世界保健日,愿你健康和幸福左拥右抱,爱情和幸运陪伴你一生!


49、Mischief comes by the pound and goes away by the ounce.

50、When the sun comes in, the doctor goes out。阳光进来,医生离去。

51、There is no medicine against death。没有长生不老药。

52、Virtue is her (or its) own reward. 为善最乐。