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1、Most of the places people can avoid in life are dark corners.

2、A guy who whispers in your ears, saying ” It’s alright, I’m here” Holds you when you’re sad, and treasures everything about you That’s the guy I want to give my heart to

3、quality matters more than quantity 质量比数量重要。



6、在艰苦中成长成功之人,往往由于心理的阴影,会导致变态的偏差。这种偏差,便是对社会对人们始终有一种仇视的敌意,不相信任何一个人,更不同情任何一个人。爱钱如命的悭吝,还是心理变态上的次要现象。相反的,有器度有见识的人,他虽然从艰苦困难中成长,反而更具有同情心和慷慨好义的胸襟怀抱。因为他懂得人生,知道世情的甘苦。 作者:南怀瑾


8、不光荣的成功好像一道不加佐料的菜,可以填饱肚子,但没有好味道。 —— 乔佩特诺

9、成功自是人权贵,创业终由道力强。 —— 梁启超


11、know what is best for you别人认为重要的, 并不就是你的追求。只有自己才知道什么最适合自己。

12、“There are only two creatures,” says a proverb, “who can surmount the pyramids the eagle and the snail”


14、Before you were born, your parents weren“t as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you are. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parents” generation, try “delousing” the closet in your own room.在你出生之前,你的父母并非像他们现在这样乏味。他们变成今天这个样子是因为这些年来他们一直在为你付账单,给你洗衣服,听你大谈你是如何的酷。所以,如果你想消灭你父母那一辈中的“寄生虫”来拯救雨林的话,还是先去清除你房间衣柜里的虫子吧。

15、No one will let you lose unless you don't want to win.

16、Your experience, people who have not experienced it will not understand.

17、每天进步一点点。(励志名言 )

18、You only have to, you're bound to get it.

19、ent counts. us, it eone looks good but their personality is ugly. 我讨厌那些外表光鲜,内心丑陋的人。 ????


21、被人揭下面具是一种失败,自己揭下面具却是一种胜利 作者:雨果

22、Leave a blank, always heavy ink.

23、Don't be afraid if you are tired. It means you are going uphill!

24、Hasty love, soon cold.一见钟情难维久。

25、People respond sincerely to those who are sincere and touching.

26、No failure, only temporary failure.

27、There is nothing like a hug eones cloud . 努力成为别人乌云里的一道彩虹。--玛雅?安吉罗 ???

28、An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. 一分预防胜似十分治疗。

29、不在乎别人是否赏识他的人,必然成功 作者:金基尔


31、立志在坚不在锐,成功在久不在速。 作者:张孝祥

32、Those who constantly strive for self-improvement will succeed in the end.


34、Those who have not experienced bitter water do not know the joys and sorrows of the world.

35、Fault is a temporary regret, miss is a permanent regret.

36、I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards(AbrahamLincoln America

37、Love,get mad about it and both carry all the dreams If not,be strong and each takes the pain爱,就疯狂,两个人撑起所有的梦想;不爱,就坚强,一个人扛起所有的伤。

38、Sometimes, suddenly very sad, but do not know why.

39、Life is like climbing a hill, step by step.

40、people might change but there are two things that you cant change them. Their name, and the memories youve had with them. 人也许会变,但有两件事是你无法改变的。他们的名字,还有你与之共享的回忆。 ????


42、Perseverance can sometimes equal genius in its results

43、Life is short, just like the leaves: sprouting in early spring and drifting in late autumn.

44、Handsome is he who does handsomely.行为漂亮才算美。

45、Believe it or not. Theres somebody out there hoping to meet someone just like you. 不管你信不信,有个人正在等待希望能遇到像你这样的人。 ????

46、Victory wont come to me unleI go to it-- MMoore

47、Accidentally fell in love with you, but in the end to keep a distance.


49、There’s nothing more beautiful than a smile that struggles through tears

50、Soil is mountain, water is sea.

51、Dysmenorrhea so many Jiao, the pain of the beauty to bend down!

52、Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.电视并不是真实的生活。在现实生活中,人们实际上得离开咖啡屋去干自己的工作。

53、——G Eliot(英国小说家艾略特

54、Self-abandoned people can't stand up, self-improvement people can't fall down.

55、but he isnt a failure until he begins to blame somebody else

56、It’s okay to have flaws, which make you real 有点缺点没关系,这样才真实。

57、When people are loyal and righteous, they are inclined to rule. When things are in danger, they are more comprehensive.


59、Be nice to nerds. Chances are you”ll end up working for one.善待乏味的人。有可能到头来你会为一个乏味的人工作。

60、Don't feel sorry for the withered flowers; if the flowers do not wither, the fruits will not bear.

61、诚实比起腐败会给你赢得更多的好处 作者:莎士比亚

62、We can be disappointed, but not blindly.

63、Those who avoid reality will have a worse future.

64、Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life has not. In some schools they have abolished failing grades; they“ll give you as many times as you want to get the right answer. This doesn”t bear the slightest resemblance to anything in real life.你的学校也许已经不再分优等生和劣等生,但生活却仍在作出类似区分。在某些学校已经废除不及格分;只要你想找到正确答案,学校就会给你无数的机会。这和现实生活中的任何事情没有一点相似之处。

65、荣誉妒忌成功,而成功却以为自己就是荣誉 作者:罗斯唐

66、I hear sadness talking. It says, baby, you will grow up.

67、Pick it up and let it go. Don't be reluctant to do anything!